Where Wonder Is 
    Made To Order!
Apply to The Wonderporium!
At the Wonderporium, we ask you give us comprehensive answers, so that we can know more about you as you apply.
What's your character's name, both IC/OOC, including alt-codes?
Are you over 20+?
Is this your main character? If not, how often do you play this character?
What tone of RP do you prefer?  Ex; serious, silly, or grimdark.
Are you offended by mature language?
In what way do you see your character contributing to the guild? What niche do you forsee this character filling?
We are all protagonists of our own stories, but are you willing to be a supporting character in someone else's story?
How did you find our guild?
Pobody's nerfect, even here. What are your flaws?
What would make a perfect guild for you?
Do you have any questions/comments for us?